Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup

Alright, I kind of promised a post about cheese in my last post but I got something even better. Well, It has something to do with cheese actually. It's Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup.

Today for some reason, I was starving at four in the afternoon. I have lunch at one everyday and I'm usually good till at least six or seven at night. Well, anyway, I was hungry and decided to walk down to Windsor Dining Court early and wait there for it opened. The dining court's supposed to open at five but they actually opened couple minutes early. I glanced at the food display as I was walking in but I wasn't feeling anything they had. So I just grabbed some spaghetti and walked around to see if anything else looked good. I got to the soup section and I saw that they had Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup. One of my favorite soups served at the dining courts! This pretty much made my day. I ended up taking only couple bites of my spaghetti and getting three more bowls of the soup (Turned out to be a bad idea because I was hungry again soon as I got back to my dorm).

I first had this soup during BGR (Boiler Gold Rush, for those of you who don't go to Purdue). When I first saw it I had second thoughts about it because I despise broccoli. But my team leader pretty much begged me to try it as she was eating hers. And to this day I'm glad that I did because it became one of my favorites.

Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup is exactly what it sounds like. It has broccoli and noodles in it. And it's cheesy. Everyone should definitely try this soup when they get a chance. It's the next best thing after all the other food that I like. So check out the Windsor Dining Court Menu every week and try it out! You won't regret it.


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