Monday, November 5, 2007

Giada's big news!

I don't know if anyone watched the Today Show this morning, but Giada De Laurentiis from the Foodnetwork was on it today. She announced that she is pregnant and having a baby girl. They did a little segment on her and pregnancy.

I am excited to see how this news effects her shows on the Foodnetwork. Will they tape programs with her pregnant or will they try to hide it? Will they just show reruns of her programs?

Giada hosts a few different shows on the Foodnetwork. They include Everyday Italian, Behind the Bash, Giada's Weekend Getaway, and Giada In Paradise. You can find her recipes on the Foodnetwork website. She also has published some cookbooks that you can find in bookstores around the country.

I am really excited to see how this news pans out!

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