Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ford Dining Hall

Few weeks ago I put up a post saying how much I'm sick of dorm food. But recently I noticed that the Ford Dining Hall's been serving some decent food. Especially today for lunch, there was Nacho Bar at Potato, Potato section. It's kind of like the Quesadilla Bar at Hillenbrand but better.

Nacho Bar allowed you to create your own taco salad. They had lettuce, salsa, ground beef, chicken, blanco cheese, and etc. I personally went with chicken because ground beef looked just nasty. I put lettuce, cheese, salsa, and all sorts of things that looked good. When I was done with my taco salad, I was very proud of what I've created. It looked like something you would see in pictures of a restaurant menu. It was perfect. I actually hesitated a little before I dug my fork in it because it was too beautiful. As much as it looked good, it tasted even better. It was probably better than the taco salad from Taco Bell. I was pretty much the happiest man alive while I was eating my taco salad.

Besides the amazing taco salad. Even the drinks tasted good. I had apple juice, water, and fruit punch. The fruit punch I got is not the one from downstairs. I walked all the way upstairs for this fruit punch because it's hidden upstairs. Although I'm lazy and hate walking, this was well worth it.

I would love to keep ramble on about how good my lunch experience was at Ford today but I'm getting kind of hungry and I think I'm gonna hit up Cary Knight Spot.

Pizza, Out.


chicken pot guy said...

They have had nacho bar before and it was amazing last time. I'll have to try it tonight.

Curiosity said...

I don't live on campus, so I don't eat in the dining halls much, if at all. I have eaten at Ford once I agree with you on those nachos. I was very satisfied. It wasn't at all what I expected because cafeteria food doesn't usually have much flavor. I'll eat there again if anyone feels like swiping me.