Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Best Summer Job

During my last 3 weeks of highschool I signed up for Senior Project. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is essentially a project alternative to a final where we are exempt from school for 3 to 4 weeks and allowed to do projects. The ideas range from shadowing a pharmacist to making a musical album or you could even be a teacher.

Knowing myself, I thought what better way to spend my last 3 to 4 weeks of highschool doing something that I would love! I wanted to work with food! I looked online and searched for a nearby bakery and I called the first one that came up on google. The bakery that came up was Three Tarts Bakery and Cafe and I was intimidated at first because it seemed like a very well thriving business that wouldn't care to have some teenager working for them. I called the bakery up and talked to the owners of the bakery thinking that I would never get the job but I was proved wrong when she said she would be thrilled to have me. I was so ecstatic because baking had always been a passion of mine but many things were going through my head. Would they make me do the dishes? Would they have me working in retail with the customers? Would they make me mop the notoriously dirty kitchen floor? I wasn't really sure what they would have me do.

The day I walked into the bakery my jaw almost dropped to the floor because everything looked so enticingly scrumptious. There were mini eclair, custard-filled creampuffs, mini macaroons, lemon halos, chocolate rasberry squares, columbiers, homestyle cakes and much more. It would take me a while a list all of them. Surprisingly though I learned how to make alot of the things that I saw on display that first day I walked in. I learned how to make chocolate ganache, various teabreads, rice krispies, deco cookies, icings, tartlets, bear claws, tiramisu etc. One of my most favorite things to do in the bakery were to decorate cupcakes. Although daunting at first I learned to master them. Not only did I learn practical things but I learned a hands on way to run a bakery. I learned that quality is the most important thing because making a good product is satisfying but the gratification you get from seeing little girl bite into a carmel cupcake with orange buttercream and toasted coconut and smile is priceless.

This is a link to the Three Tarts Bakery and Cafe, please look at all the photos of the food because I'm really proud of what I did this summer.

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