Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mission Statement (part dos!)

The goal of our blog is to entertain and inform the public about all things food. Nothing is off limits in regards to blog topics. We will cover: food reviews, what we ate that day, nutrition and health, recipes and anything else that comes to mind. We will try to make all of our posts entertaining and thoughtful. This blog is geared towards all denominations of diners. We hope to appeal to readers through use of energetic practicality and passionate sarcasm that will be found throughout writing. Each blogger will have the ability to post without limitations in the hope to find each writer’s unique voice. To build our credibility we will do our best to articulate our thoughts and relate to the readers lives, making it easily accessible. This blog may be related to others by way of topic, but it will differ in the writers view points and personalities. We hope to utilize each writers experience with food, whether by way of family memories or daily sustenance, to create a savory extravaganza of different flavors, much like gumbo. The blog will be structured chronologically, with each post consisting of a title, picture, and small excerpt from the article that will provide a link to the full story. We hope that the title and pictures will make navigation of the blog easier and help catch peoples’ attention to our articles and general blog appeal. We have been inspired by blogs such as SlashFood, Amateur Gourmet, and Hog on Ice as well as others. Here's to good eating & good reading!

Sincerely yours,

the incredibly full
and completely eager
writers of BrainFood

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