Monday, September 17, 2007

The Great Dane- The Pretzel Burger.

This weekend, I went to go visit my brother in Wisconsin. He moved there last month with his girlfriend because she received a full ride to the University of Wisconsin to get her masters. We took a family trip up to see him. He was so excited to show us all of the different restaurants and places to eat. We went to his favorite.

My brother's favorite place was called The Great Dane. It was a restaurant and a brewery. When you walk inside you see it is set up nicely. There is a bar on one side and the restaurant on the other. The brewery was downstairs. The menus were newspapers and they had every type of burger you could imagine. I saw something called the pretzel burger and decided I had to try it.

The pretzel burger has one hamburger patty and something they call a brat patty. It had two huge slices of meat on it. On top they put the usual vegetables. The bun was a soft pretzel bun. You could choose weather or not you wanted salt on your pretzel. It's hard to explain so I made sure I took pictures of this absurd pretzel burger.

The bun was extremely soft and the burger was delicious. Its smell made me have an urge to eat it right that second. It was so thick that I could barley put it all in my mouth. I defiantly would go back for this. I would suggest ordering this or the Cajun chicken. I tried that too. It was a little spicy but very good. Overall I would give this place a very high rating and one of the best burgers I have ever had.

If you are ever in Madison, make sure you look up this place. It is a hard place to beat.

My brother also ordered one of their wheat beers that they make right there in the restaurant. I wouldn't know, but I take his word that it was a very good beer. It is also in the picture. He said he had tried others from there and he hasn't disliked one yet.

We even asked where they purchased these Pretzel buns from. The waitress checked into it and they buy them from U.S. foods. Just in case you want to try the Pretzel burger on your own.

1 comment:

chicken pot guy said...

THE GREAT DANE ROCKS.....but I'd have to say that Angelic Brewery (Drink No Evil!) is my favorite. It is located a little closer to the UW campus and has delicious food as well as beverages....I would know because of a grandfathered in zoning law that allows minors to drink as long as they are with a legal-aged gaurdian. Both are amazing restaurants with great atmospheres and menus though. Good choice! I'm glad you enjoyed it!