Friday, September 14, 2007

Memorable Moments, Brought To You By Food

Have you ever had a special occasion where you remember everything about it?

Maybe it was a wedding, or an awards ceremony, something so special you will cherish and remember it forever?

Have you ever relived and remembered that experience when you eat food that you had at that event, the plate of deliciousness inviting back memories of the fun and good times spent with others?

I have. And I think food can let you remember and re-enjoy those special moments again. A perfect example is the piece of cake couples eat on their first wedding anniversary, perhaps from their actual wedding cake.

I have a special memory like that today. Today is Ross' birthday. Ross sadly passed in the VT shooting this past spring. Today I honor Ross and remember him by eating his favorite meal: ramen noodles. When I eat this food, I will not only recall the good times, but appreciate the life he lived and how he loved us all. He truly did make a difference, you couldn't argue with his smile.

Here's to you Ross, I know you're enjoying a big bowl of ramen in heaven . . .

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